SQUEAC Coverage Estimate Calculator

The SQUEAC Coverage Estimate Calculator (Version 3.01) performs the Bayesian beta-binomial conjugate analysis used in SQUEAC coverage assessments.

This version adds :

A formal test (z-test) for a prior-likelihood conflict.

A suggested sample size for the likelihood survey.

Allows estimates and test results to be copied to the clipboard (bug-fix to v3.00)

You can download the SQUEAC Coverage Estimate Calculator by clicking on the links below:

Download the SQUEAC Coverage Estimate Calculator for WINDOWS (2.8 MB)

Download the SQUEAC Coverage Estimate Calculator for Macintosh OS X (229 KB)

Download the SQUEAC Coverage Estimate Calculator for UNIX / LINUX (45 KB)

The software may be used for estimating proportions other than coverage proportions but users should be aware that the application has some limitations:

The shape parameters for the prior are restricted to range between 1 and 35

The size of the denominator for the likelihood is restricted to range between 1 and 256

These limitations may be changed in the TCL source.

Some users with Windows 7 have reported problems saving the diagnostic plot. This can be fixed by running the program in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 2). To do this:

  1. Close BayesSQUEAC (if it is open).

  2. Right click on BayesSQUEAC icon and click "Properties".

  3. Select the "Compatibility" tab.

  4. Check "Run this program in compatibility mode for:".

  5. Specify "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)".

  6. Click the "OK" button.

All should now work.