Some Free Public Health Software

Fuzzy Triangular Numbers

Web-based calculator for working with fuzzy triangular numbers. Four functions (add, subtract, multiply, and divide), can chain calculations (copy last result to input), and provides 95% confidence limits on results.

Mortality Survey (Estimate & 95% CI)

Web-based calculator.

Mortality Survey (Poisson Test)

Web-based calculator.

Mortality Survey (Sequential Sampling)

Web-based calculator.

Hypergeometric LQAS Sampling Plan Calculator (1)

Web-based calculator. Finds a sampling plan / decision rule of form n, d given population size, upper and lower prevalence thresholds, and acceptable errors.

Hypergeometric LQAS Sampling Plan Calculator (2)

Web-based calculator. Finds a sampling plan / decision rule of form n, d given population size, upper and lower prevalence thresholds, acceptable errors, and the achieved sample size (i.e. can find a useful sampling plan for any sample size).

PEPI-for-Windows (WINPEPI)

Windows versions of the renowned PEPI suite of programs.

EpiInfo PLUS

A version of the classic DOS version of EpiInfo.

EpiCalc 2000

Multi-function statistical calculator that works with pre-tabulated data.

FP Advisor

Foodborne diseases database with a Windows front-end.


Sample size calculator for cross-sectional surveys.


Sampling plan calculator for LQAS surveys.

SQUEAC Calculator

A simple LQAS sampling plan calculator for use in SQUEAC assessments.

BayesSQUEAC Coverage Estimate Calculator

A simple calculator for performing Bayesian beta-binomial conjugate analysis designed for use in SQUEAC assessments.


Sample size calculator for a single rate.


Standardisation of epidemiological measurements.

EpiInfo add-ins

Survival analysis, logistic regression, and conditional logistic regression.

SOUNDEX calculators

A variety of SOUNDEX code calculators and utilities.


Easy-to-use general purpose diagram creation tool.

Statistical utilities

Miscellaneous statistical and epidemiological calculators.

MUAC screening tool

Software to determine MUAC cut-points for two-stage screening in nutritional emergencies.


A simple data-entry and reporting tool for CSAS coverage surveys.

CSAS coverage calculator

A spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel '95 format) for calculating coverage estimates and drawing plots and maps from coverage survey data collected using the CSAS methodology. The spreadsheet also provides capture-recapture estimates of the sensitivity of a case-finding procedure. A spreadsheet containing example data is available here.

Vista web fonts

Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Consolas, Constantia, and Corbel fonts for Mac and Windows.